Monitor hard disk temperature with hddtemp in linux

hddtemp is a small utility (daemonizable) that gives you the temperature of your hard drive by reading S.M.A.R.T. informations.

Install it with your package manager base on your OS. here i’m mention on ubuntu

$sudo apt-get install hddtemp

run it as first command then the hdd list.Below here i use two hdd SDA,SDB

$hddtemp /dev/sda /dev/sdb

Screenshot from 2014-01-04 00:51:14

Install and configure lm-sensors on Linux

What is lm-sensors?
lm_sensors (Linux-monitoring sensors), is a free open source software-tool for Linux that provides tools and drivers for monitoring temperatures, voltage, humidity and fans.[more]

Install lm-sensors on Linux machine:

For ubuntu,mint,debian:
using apt-get or the Synaptic GUI.

sudo apt-get install lm-sensors

For fedora,opensuse,centos etc rpm base:

sudo yum install lm-sensors

For ArchLinux:

pacman lm_sensors

Configure lm-sensors: run below command on terminal and answer all questions ‘yes’ including last one.



Now start the service

service kmod start

run the sensors to get desire output


Screenshot from 2014-01-03 23:37:41

if you want to view the result on GUI then install “Psensor’ on Ubuntu.