The Easiest Ways to Cheat in Your Exams

The Easiest Ways to Cheat in Your Exams (20 images)

Need to pass in your exams ? There are at least two easy ways how you can cheat and not be caught.

Check out some of the most creative and unique ways to copy in your exams .

The Easiest Ways to Cheat in Your Exams (20 images)

The Easiest Ways to Cheat in Your Exams (20 images)

The Easiest Ways to Cheat in Your Exams (20 images)

The Easiest Ways to Cheat in Your Exams (20 images)

The Easiest Ways to Cheat in Your Exams (20 images)

The Easiest Ways to Cheat in Your Exams (20 images)

The Easiest Ways to Cheat in Your Exams (20 images)

The Easiest Ways to Cheat in Your Exams (20 images)

The Easiest Ways to Cheat in Your Exams (20 images)

The Easiest Ways to Cheat in Your Exams (20 images)

The Easiest Ways to Cheat in Your Exams (20 images)

The Easiest Ways to Cheat in Your Exams (20 images)

The Easiest Ways to Cheat in Your Exams (20 images)

 Others ways…………………..

Black Light Method

  1. Get one of those black light pens that only show up under a black light and come with one attached.
  2. The day before the test, write some things that will probably be on the test on your desk.
  3. The next day, wear a hoodie and hide the pen in your sleeve.
  4. When no-one is looking, shine it on the area where you wrote before.

Locker Combination Method

  1. Group your answers and code them to look like a locker combination. For example, if my first set of answers were 135, 23, and 56, I would write something like Lock #1- 135,23, 56, so if someone looks through my bag or if someone looks at me while I am looking at my answers, they will only think that’s a lock combination of mine at school, or wherever; when its really answers to my first 3 problems on my exam that my teachers going to give back to me tomorrow!
    • If anyone asks about the big numbers, just say you accidentally misplaced a comma. Be sure to have your answers memorized before the test.

The Girls Only Method

  1. Ask to get out of an exam to go to the toilet. If they say no then say subtly to a woman invigilator you need to change your pad (make sure you’re not on your period that day, that’s a bit gross).
  2. Earlier on, you will have written down notes on a sanitary pad, and put this one on. If you need more notes then write them on a new pad and wrap it back up. When in the bathroom (if it’s a real exam the invigilator will probably escort you) look at the pad you have on and quickly memorize it. Then change it, put it in the bin, and replace it with the pad that has more notes. Memorize them quickly and then come out of the toilet as if nothing is wrong.
  3. Go back to the exam and scribble down the answers.
  4. Hide the answers in your bra. During the test, fiddle with your shirt and look down to see the answers or notes. No teacher will dare call you out!

Toilet Paper Method

  1. Write your notes on toilet paper, sneak it into your pocket, ask to go to the washroom. Take out your toilet paper and stick it to your shoe, but keep the written side facing down. When someone tells you about the paper, check your notes when no-one is looking then throw it out.

Position Yourself Method

  1. Sit next to someone smart in your class.
  2. Start out by sitting in your seat like a normal person.
  3. Later, pretend to be uncomfortable and position yourself so your sitting on your knees.
  4. While you are moving look over the smart student’s head and look at his/her answers.
    • Do not be too obvious, or he/she will find out you are cheating.

 Desk Writing Method

  1. You’ll need to get the spelling words, or the math answers that you need. (This works best on a spelling test)
  2. Write them down inside your desk or on the side (I have a cubby desk not a fold up desk)
  3. When it comes to test time, look inside your desk and look at your answers, but be sure to get something out like an eraser!